Sunday, January 22, 2012

She'll be coming 'round the mountain

She's riding six white horses, wearing pink pajamas, and we're shouting hallelujah. Yes, Miss Weezy has come back to us and we absolutely couldn't be happier or more proud of what a brave little love she is. She has been chattering all day long for the past week and I got this yesterday. For the record, I HATE that my voice is on this video. I don't really sound like that!...Do I?!?!


  1. Bravo Eloisa¡¡¡We love you.
    Tu tia Mane,Lolo,Susi y Msria

  2. ¡Haces lo mismos sonidos que tu tía Blanca cuando está pensando! Dentro de nada descubrirás el mecanismo del gateo y... ¡a ver quién te para, mi corazón!
    Mamá, tu voz suena muy bien.
    Os quiero

  3. Yay Weezy!!!!!!!!!!! She is the absolute best! She really is a little chatterbox isn't she?! I like how Rory chimes in with that bottle crack. Weezy's just hungry! Us little sisters really have to stick together. I'm so happy she's home and looking so good. A thousand kisses from me to her.
